Thursday, February 09, 2006

My Current Portfolio

I started investing in stocks only from Jan 2006 onwards . So here goes:

Stock Average Purchase Price CMP Gain /Loss

Pricol 48.58 41.20 -15.9

PNB Gilts 22.00 21.20 -3.64

Tata Investment Co 430.53 424.50 -1.40

Infomedia India 210.92 198.20 -6.03

In the coming days, will post about why i bought these stocks. Meanwhile, suggestions, comments, criticisms welcome.

1 comment:

Captain Software said...

Hi Prashant,
I bought 150 shares of Pricol at 55. Now its gone down to 38 :-(. The reason I bought it was a huge market share, past history for last 10 years looked good. Economy is booming and Auto sales were up. But whatever the reason, the results were bad and the stock moved down.